Top 5 Tips for Getting Your Dog Ready For Fall

Top 5 Tips for Getting Your Dog Ready For Fall

As the seasons change into fall, your dog has varying needs. The temperatures outside are cooler, your family may be spending more time indoors and you’re likely making preparations for the upcoming holidays. In addition to this, your dog is undergoing seasonal changes, too. Here are some tips for getting your dog ready for fall.

Your Dog and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Many pet owners say that they notice their dogs exhibiting the same symptoms as humans with seasonal effective disorder (S.A.D.). Although scientific studies haven’t proven this, at least one animal behaviorist, Dr. Nicholas Dodman, believes it’s likely. He says, “It would be very surprising if S.A.D. doesn’t exist in animals.”

It makes sense. As fall comes around, the days are shorter, resulting in less Vitamin D for your furry companion. Vitamin D is essential for dogs, says the FDA. “Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps dogs regulate the balance and retention of calcium and phosphorus.” One way to safely ensure your dog is getting sufficient levels of Vitamin D in the fall is with Jiminy’s line of wet dog food, which contains Vitamin D3 ,as well as other vitamins and minerals that round out a healthy diet for your dog.

New Parasites to Contend With

As temperature changes occur outside, there will be new and different parasites to deal with. Be sure to visit your dog’s vet for a seasonal checkup. Ask about updating your dog’s vaccinations  and whether a change in parasitic medication might be in order. If you prefer to handle parasites naturally, be sure to adjust your routine as needed, according to the changing season.

Increase the Frequency of Brushings

Just like their kin in the wild, your dog will be building up their undercoat as the weather outside becomes chillier. Their fur will become thicker and will need more frequent brushings. Make sure you thoroughly wash dog brushes in between uses to ensure that you aren’t reintroducing debris and oil from a previous brushing. You may also want to increase the frequency of baths, depending upon how much your dog needs them.

Change Bedding

As you go around your home adding blankets and replacing sheers with heavy draperies in preparation for fall, don’t forget to change your dog’s bedding. Consider adding another layer to keep the chill from rising up from the floor beneath their dog bed. If your dog doesn’t have a dedicated bed, consider gifting them a thick, comfy dog bed. Don’t wait until Christmas, especially if you have an old, arthritic dog. There will be lots of cold days and nights between now and the end of December.


tips for dog care in the fall: cute puppy with Halloween pumpkins

Keep Dogs Safe at Halloween

With fall comes Halloween, which can be a scary time for dogs. If you have kids, be sure to let them know that the family dog doesn’t understand costumes and masks.

Avoid having the kids parade in front of the dog in their masks. It’s also a good idea to keep dogs inside for all of Halloween day and night. You don’t want your dog to be on the receiving end of a Halloween prank.

Finally, if you enjoy dressing your dog up for Halloween, be sure to choose a costume that fits well, without constricting movement or coming loose. Remember that dogs may struggle to get out of costumes when you aren’t looking, and could end up dangerously entangling themselves. Always monitor your dog while they are in costume.

The fall season is truly welcome, with its beautiful colors and fresh, clean air. To ensure your dog gets the most out of fall too, keep these tips in mind. For more healthy ways to enrich your dog’s diet, visit Jiminy’s and shop online today!