How To Treat Allergies in Dachshunds

How To Treat Allergies in Dachshunds

Dachshunds are beloved dogs with their long bodies, big ears and even bigger personalities. However, if your dashie has allergies, you’ll want to know how to identify the symptoms and causes.

This dachshund allergy guide provides information that can help you relax if problems arise. Below, we list common dachshund allergies and treatments and discuss when it’s time to see the vet!

two dachshunds

What Allergies Are More Prone To?

Although every dog is different, as a breed, dachshunds develop skin irritations related to allergies. Due to genetic, food and environmental factors, your dog may develop various symptoms, including hair loss, scaly skin, dandruff and rashes, among other irritations.

Symptoms of Allergies in Dachshunds

If you notice the following symptoms in your dachshund, they may have allergies:

  • Paw-chewing. When dogs are sick, they tend to chew their paws. This is not a natural behavior but typically signifies dermatitis related to allergies. Allergens related to this symptom include fleas, chemicals and shampoos.
  • Redness or skin rashes
  • Hair loss
  • Appetite loss
  • Ear infection, unusual ear discharge
  • Puffy, runny eyes
  • Dry skin
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea or gassiness
  • Swollen feet or face
  • Coughing or sneezing

In the most extreme reaction to allergens, your dog might go into anaphylaxis, or shock, which is accompanied by vomiting, respiratory distress, or loss of bowel control.

Common Allergies in Dachshund & Their Causes

Some dachshunds may have skin allergies while others have an allergic reaction to food or their environment. It can take some tenacity to track down your dog’s allergies and get them the right treatment.

Some dogs have an allergic reaction to fleabites. Flea saliva can cause irritation at the base of the tail and other areas of the skin. You may notice dirt or fleas on your dog if they have an allergic reaction to fleabites.

Environmental allergens refer to mold, dust and pollen that can lead to dermatitis, rashes and itchy skin conditions. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that many allergies only occur in certain seasons. For example, your dog may have pollen allergy symptoms in the springtime.

dachshund in a field suffering from allergies

Causes of Allergies

Let's get more into the specifics. It's helpful to know what foods and other substances dachshunds are often allergic to. If your dog has a sensitivity to certain foods, they probably inherited it from their parents. Some puppies may outgrow their allergies as their immune system develops. However, other dogs will maintain their allergies throughout their life. Some older dogs experience worsening allergy symptoms with age.

Food Allergens for Dachshunds

While dashies are prone to corn allergies, they can also develop allergies to rice, wheat and soy. Individual dogs can also develop sensitivity to animal proteins such as dairy and meat. Unfortunately, many packaged dog foods contain corn or corn byproducts.

Therefore, it's important to check the ingredients to avoid allergies that you or your vet have identified.

For example, if your dog is allergic to chicken, it's a good idea to ensure that there are no poultry products in their food. Keep in mind that your dachshund may develop allergies to additives, food coloring and preservatives.

got allergies, try cravin' cricket dog food

Pollen Allergies

Dachshunds are prone to pollen allergies. Thankfully, this is typically a seasonal problem. Unlike people, the allergic reaction of dachshunds usually involves skin irritation not respiratory trouble.

Additionally, pollen allergies manifest in ways similar to many other dashie allergens. Other outdoor allergens include trees, grass, and certain plants. However, they are not as prevalent as pollen allergies.


Do you have multiple pets? If so, your dachshund may have an allergic reaction to the fur and dander of other animals in the home.

Dust and Smoke

High levels of pollution may trigger dust and smoke allergies in your dachshund. this is particularly true in urban areas with higher levels of pollution.

Medications and Chemicals

Dachshunds may have an allergic reaction to vaccinations and prescription medications. It's hard to predict what chemicals and medicines your dog will have an allergic reaction to.

Common symptoms include loss of fur, rashes and swelling at the injection site (for vaccinations). Dog shampoo, detergents, plastic, perfumes, and plastics cause some dachshunds pure misery.

dachshunds playing in grass


Take your dachshund to the vet for an examination if they develop severe allergy symptoms or their symptoms don't go away. For example, many dachshund owners bring their pet to the vet when ear or skin allergies become severely inflamed or impact the quality of the dog’s life.

In some cases, the vet may refer you to a specialist, who can perform blood and urine tests that reveal specific allergens. The vet may employ different tests such as skin scrapings and thyroid testing to determine the severity of the allergy.

Some tests help the veterinarian prescribe the right medicine or antibiotics. Alternatively, switching to a hypoallergenic diet may decrease your dog’s food and environmental allergies.

At the vet’s office, your dog will become nervous around new people, especially with the poking and prodding. So, bringing a toy or petting them can help them stay calm.

How To Treat Allergies in Dachshunds

Washing your dog with medicated shampoos can soothe your dachshund’s skin. Talk to your vet before applying any shampoos or other skincare products on your dog’s sensitive skin. Plus, medicated shampoos can improve your dog’s coat. Typically, medicated shampoos consist of natural oils and ingredients designed to alleviate swelling and itchiness.

When you massage the skin with gentle, high-quality products, it increases oil production and blood flow. Your vet may also recommend supplemental minerals, vitamins and oils to protect your Dachshund’s skin.

To help your dachshund with food allergies, you will want to consider rotating your dogs diet and trying different kinds of dog food. Many dogs are allergic to traditional proteins like chicken or beef. Consider feeding your dachshund insect protein, which is hypoallergenic and is not known to cause allergic reactions like traditional protein. Jiminy's has a great selection of hypoallergenic dog food to choose from.

If you are wondering how much you should do on your own before taking your dashie to the vet, you aren’t alone. Many dog owners wonder how much they should treat their dogs at home and when they find professional help.

When to See a Vet

Sometimes dachshund’s severe allergies come with pain and distress. In order to find the root cause, you will probably need the assistance of a veterinarian or specialist.

Often, the vet can easily determine if your dog has allergies and treat them appropriately. this will have two positive results. First, your dog will feel better an second, you will feel better.

Unfortunately, there isn't always a cut and dried answer for your dog’s discomfort. Your younger dog may out grow their allergies does while your older dog experiences them more intensely.


Now you’re familiar with the major allergies experienced by dachshund’s and understand when it's important to take your dog to the vet. However, it's important to keep an eye on your dog whenever they are near specific triggers. This could include running through the grass on the first warm day of summer.

If you take your dog to the groomers, ask them to watch out for signs of excessive licking, chewing or scratching. Take your time to determine the best course of action for you and your dog.

We recommend treating the symptoms of their allergies and using all the tools at your disposal to prevent adverse reactions.

From changing your dachshund’s diet to monitoring their environment, you can help prevent a severe allergic reaction. In turn, this gives you and your buddy more freedom when it comes to spending time outdoors.