5 Tips to Improve a Pet’s Health

5 Tips to Improve a Pet’s Health

Bringing a pet into your home means you are taking on the responsibility for its health and well-being. By clarifying the needs of your pet, it is possible to make adjustments to improve his or her health. While specific details may vary slightly between individual pets, certain factors may assist in long-term well-being.

Select Healthy Foods

Your pet's diet is the foundation of good health and well-being. You want to ensure that your pet eats foods that provide proper nutrition while also supporting a healthy gut. By opting for dog food made with crickets, you provide a long-term solution to improve your pet's health.

Try Our Healthy and Nutritious Dog Food

Crickets offer three primary benefits for your pet's health: they are high in protein, they improve your pet's gut health, and they are free-range for the majority of their lives. Jiminy's dog food offers a sustainable and healthy alternative to traditional dog food ingredients.

Keep Your Pet Lean

Although diet plays a critical role in a pet's well-being and health, it is not the only factor to consider. You want to take measures to keep your pet lean and fit at each stage of his or her life. Talk to your pet's veterinarian to find out the specific weight range that is ideal for your dog's breed, age, and size.

As a general rule, take measures to keep your pet at a healthy weight by providing ample exercise and proper nutrition.

Dog with Leash in mouth ready for a walk

Limit treats to avoid over-feeding your pets and measure out meals after discussing your pet's caloric needs with a veterinarian. Keep in mind that different breeds and sizes may impact meal recommendations, so follow the suggestions of your veterinarian when it comes to meal planning for your pets.

Although a lean body is not the only factor involved in long-term health for pets, it does reduce the risk of many preventable health conditions. It also ensures that your pet remains energetic through different stages of his or her life.

Get Regular Check-ups

Take your pet to a veterinarian each year for a check-up. A regular check-up allows a veterinarian to take measures to prevent complex health concerns from developing. It also allows you to make adjustments to a pet's routine and activities to keep up with changing needs at different ages and stages of life.

Prevention is a critical part of long-term health and well-being. A check-up ensures that you have the right information to keep your pets healthy and active. It also allows you to address concerns at an early stage. Many health conditions may be overlooked in day-to-day life; however, a regular check-up allows your pet's veterinarian to catch the problem and take measures to address concerns before it gets out of control.

Vaccinate Your Pets

Vaccinations play a critical role in prevention of health conditions. Although standards for vaccination may vary, you want to ensure that your pets are properly vaccinated against the most common health risks that may arise. Talk to a veterinarian about vaccination options and timing during regular check-ups.

Playful Puppy with vet stethoscope in mouth

Keep up with any booster shots your pets may need at different stages of life. Always follow the suggestions of your pet's veterinarian when it relates to vaccinations. Depending on your lifestyle and your pet's activities, a veterinarian may recommend vaccines that differ from basic standards, so discuss the options to ensure it is appropriate for your dog's health.

Take Precautions Against Parasites

Fleas, ticks, and worms are common concerns among pet owners. The parasites cause health concerns that range from simple discomfort to severe injuries or death. Do not allow parasites to flourish on your pets or in their bodies. Seek regular treatments to prevent parasites or to remove parasites before they cause health complications.

Veterinarians may recommend different treatment options based on the needs of your pet. Give your pet any medication provided by a veterinarian as directed. Pay attention to dosage recommendations. The dosage varies based on the weight of your pet, so ask questions if you have any concerns with your veterinarian. Inform your veterinarian if your pet has a negative reaction or an allergic reaction to any medications used for deforming or the removal of parasites.

When you bring a pet into your home, you want to provide a healthy environment. As a pet owner, you want to take an active approach to ensuring you meet the needs of your new family members. By selecting healthy food, encouraging regular exercise, and working with a veterinarian to prevent health risks, your pets will live a long and energetic life.

Labrador holding food bowl in mouth